Thursday, January 22, 2015

Style Challenge - 02

Ok, week 2!  I had high hopes of taking decent pictures of a full outfit over the weekend...until I got the stomach bug.  And then Brooks got the stomach bug.  And suddenly having pictures taken of myself did not seem like such a fun idea.

Sooo anyways... wear a bright color.  Yikes.  My closet consists of mostly neutrals, so again this was definitely a challenge for me.  But! Accessories count.  So I remembered this pink infinity scarf I got a few years back and figured this was the best way to incorporate some color.

scarf |  old
sweater | Stitch Fix
tee | Loft
jeans | AG
boots | Lucky Brand

I'm looking forward to re-creating a outfit I've pinned on Pinterest next week!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday Confessions

Ok, time to make some confessions again.  Ready?

1. Brooks and I had the stomach bug last week. It sucked, but was over pretty quickly, thank goodness. I went a little crazy disinfecting everything [who knew we had so many light switches?!] after we were both feeling better, in hopes of keeping my husband healthy. It's been a few days and he's still feeling good, but I now have developed anxiety heartburn because I am paranoid about him catching it. Sigh. 

2. Although it's been tough to hear Brooks ask to "nee-nee" [nurse] on occasion at nap time or in the middle of the night, I've been kind of enjoying my freedom.  For example, my heartburn. Why yes, I will take some medicine for that!  And try a new moisturizer without worrying about the ingredients? Definitely ! [ps Philosophy's "Renewed Hope in A Jar" is the shit. ] 

Also, wine. More wine. Amen. 

3. You guys, the 50 Shades of Grey movie is coming out soon and I am not ashamed to admit that I'm dying to see it. I might even make it our Valentine's Day date activity! Sorry, honey. True love is seeing a movie you have no interest in. 

4. I've succumbed to the winter sales. Somehow Loft still had all the Lou & Grey pieces that I tried on but didn't buy after Christmas, now for $15.88! I can't pass that up, since L&G very rarely goes on sale and is way pricier than Loft itself.

5. I'm officially over snow.  It makes getting out of the house extremely difficult and everyone knows staying inside with a 2 year old all day will drive you crazy.  I would love for it to be summer, but I'd even take 45 degrees- at least then we can get outside!

6.  One night when I couldn't sleep last week, I decided to start re-reading Mindy Kaling's Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me?  If you haven't read this, do so immediately.  It is hilarious.  Like, seriously laugh out loud funny.  It's also full of decent advice for young people that I'd like to post all over social media, but I'll spare you.  I will, however, leave you with one of my favorite opinions of hers [probably because it's one that I share]:
I don't think it should be socially acceptable for people to say they are "bad with names." No one is bad with names.  That is not a real thing.  Not knowing people's names isn't a neurological condition; it's a choice.  You choose not to make learning people's names a priority.  It's like saying, "Hey, a disclaimer about me: I'm rude." 

And with that, I'm done!  Anyone else have some confessions to make this Wednesday? :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Our Breastfeeding Story - The End

I never thought I'd be writing this post.  It often felt like Brooks was going to nurse forever.  Yes, hello, it's me Colleen, nursing my teenager.  And yet, here we are...I'm sticking to it.  Some days are harder than others, and he still occasionally breaks my heart with the "I want nee-nee back!"  But, we're done.  My baby is growing up!

I didn't really have a plan when it came to weaning.  However, a few months ago I came across this article from Mama Natural that pretty much outlines all of the things that I did to encourage Brooks to wean himself.  They are:
1. Create a replacement [we used chocolate milk-aka instant breakfast]
2. Limit nursing sessions
3. Go slowly
4. Get daddy or others involved
5. Make the decision [the hardest part!]

Initially, my goal for nursing Brooks was one year.  Then it was two years, then it was January 2015. I'm not sure if I'm proud of myself for meeting my goal, or sad because it's finally over.  I'll never nurse my first baby again...what a bittersweet feeling.

And so, I leave you with a few of the breastfeeding selfies I took [and two professional photos, thanks to Lindsey Welch Photography] in the 26 and a half months I nursed this sweet baby.

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow, 
for babies grow up...we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep...
I'm [nursing] my baby, and babies don't keep.  

Monday, January 12, 2015

Style Challenge - 01

Another one of my favorite style bloggers [ Audrey from Putting Me Together ] posted on Instagram yesterday that she was starting a style challenge to help her get out of her "rut".  I saw it and thought it sounded like fun, and also much easier than doing a capsule wardrobe [which i considered, but then determined i don't have the time  energy desire to cut down my wardrobe to only a certain number of pieces!]

Anyways, the idea is that she posts the challenge once a week, and during that week you try to complete it!  This week, the challenge was to wear a dress.

Of course, I immediately thought- I don't wear dresses, I have a two year old. And also, it's winter!  But then, it wouldn't be a challenge if it were easy! So I scrounged around and decided a short(er) dress with some jeans was the way to go.

+ a cute/soft/warm scarf...


Did I mention it's icing here today?  Hence the Hunter boots [and messy indoor photos.]  Stay tuned...up next week- wear a bright color!