Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Our Breastfeeding Story - The End

I never thought I'd be writing this post.  It often felt like Brooks was going to nurse forever.  Yes, hello, it's me Colleen, nursing my teenager.  And yet, here we are...I'm sticking to it.  Some days are harder than others, and he still occasionally breaks my heart with the "I want nee-nee back!"  But, we're done.  My baby is growing up!

I didn't really have a plan when it came to weaning.  However, a few months ago I came across this article from Mama Natural that pretty much outlines all of the things that I did to encourage Brooks to wean himself.  They are:
1. Create a replacement [we used chocolate milk-aka instant breakfast]
2. Limit nursing sessions
3. Go slowly
4. Get daddy or others involved
5. Make the decision [the hardest part!]

Initially, my goal for nursing Brooks was one year.  Then it was two years, then it was January 2015. I'm not sure if I'm proud of myself for meeting my goal, or sad because it's finally over.  I'll never nurse my first baby again...what a bittersweet feeling.

And so, I leave you with a few of the breastfeeding selfies I took [and two professional photos, thanks to Lindsey Welch Photography] in the 26 and a half months I nursed this sweet baby.

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow, 
for babies grow up...we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep...
I'm [nursing] my baby, and babies don't keep.  

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