Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The S Word

Sleep.  Do you sleep?  Do your kids sleep?  Yesterday the Directv maintenance man [who woke my child up approximately 30 seconds after he had fallen asleep- grrrrr] asked me if Brooks slept well.  What?  Why is sleep the only thing people/strangers want to talk about with parents of small children?  Guess what, Directv man, my child doesn't sleep well.  He wakes up a lot.  Yes, he is almost 2 years old.  No, I don't care what you think about it.

On a related note, Brooks has been going through a bit of a sleep "regression" per se lately, and so once again I find myself looking at sleep articles online [late at night...when i should be sleeping]. Every time this happens I try to remind myself that it's just a phase, and to stay calm about it...but you know something...sleep deprivation makes people do stupid things, ya'll. I've been grinding my teeth now for weeks because it frustrates me so much.

I came across an article on Pinterest during one of my late nights last week that was titled "10 ways to make your baby sleep". I don't know, for some reason the word 'make' just really rubbed me the wrong way.  I mean come on, aren't going to 'make' your baby do anything. Encourage them, maybe, but make? No. Just no.

I think, currently, Brooks is having a growth spurt, which is the reason for his more frequent waking at night.  I'm hoping this phase will pass quickly- in the mean time, I am rewarding myself for being sleep deprived with more Starbucks and cookies- the only logical solution.

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