Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday Confessions- Part 2

Alright ya'll, here we go- confessions part 2.

1-  My pantry is literally the most disorganized place in my entire house.  I have cleaned it out time and again, and I just can't keep it neat!  It's baaaaad, you guys.  So bad that it's become a joke when we can't find anything.  "Oh, you mean you can't find the [item] in my beautifully organized pantry? What's wrong with you?!"  I think the problem is that I can honestly think of about 10,000 things I would rather do than organize the pantry.

2- Don't be too impressed with this one- I know all the lyrics to Usher's "Nice & Slow."  My husband loves this and will entice me to sing by starting the song...It's seven o'clock, on the dot...

3- House of Cards season 2 is really confusing me.  We're on episode 9 and I'm not getting all the politics this season.  Why is the bridge important?  You're losing me here, Frank.

4- Last week I had a moment of feeling like I was doing everything wrong.  Like I'm not doing enough for Brooks- not teaching him enough, not playing with him enough, not encouraging enough "independent play".  This winter has really defeated us, I tell you.  I know I'm not a bad mommy, but I have certainly felt like it at times when we've completely run out of things to do and I turn on the TV to just. have. five. minutes. of. quiet. time.

5- Brooks has started having temper tantrums and I find them a little  bit funny.  Yesterday it was because we came inside from playing in the snow.  It was approximately 19 degrees outside, so...yeah.  He did the feet stomping and the head banging and slapping the couch and crying...oh, the crying.  I know this will not be funny [at all] when he starts doing it more frequently/ in public but I couldn't help but chuckle.  [Also, as I am a former elementary special education teacher, I have had my fair share of waiting out some crying temper tantrums.  I think I might be prepared? No? ]

And now he is currently tongue-ing the DVD remote.  Yum.  :)  Confessions, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to #5. The tantrums have begun and only in semi-public places (ahem, Meghan B?). I'm patient as can be but it does get old really quick!
