Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday Confessions- Part 3

Woop woop, confessions part 3!

1- On our way to a party on Saturday night, we had [what I like to call] a very "married" conversation, and I kind of loved it.  It went a little like this:
P:  "Do you want me to take the HOV exit onto 495 or get over to the right?"
me:  "What?  I don't care.  Just take the HOV."
P:  "Well, you always get mad when I take the HOV exit."
me:  "That's because you have to slow down when you get off.  Like, hit the brakes."
P:  "I definitely hit the brakes."
me:  "No, you don't.  Is your foot on the brake now?  No.  Slow down.  We have a baby!"
At this point I realized how much this conversation made us seem old and married and I started laughing- my how times have changed.

2-  Last night I went to Target by myself and tried on approximately 20 items of clothing and 5 pairs of shoes, just because I could.  [i also did not eat half a bag of Twizzlers on the way home.]

3-  Brooks has started HATING bath time.  You would think we were forcing him into a pool of lava or something, that's how much he screams about it!  I've got a few ideas that I'm hoping will help in the future, but if you've got any recommendations, let me hear it!  [so far we've tried- changing the temperature of the water, toys, bubbles, bath seats, kitchen sink baths, and getting in the tub with him.]

4-  I've worn the same pair of jeans for 4 days in a row this week.  I haven't washed them.  Don't judge me.

5-  Yesterday Brooks wore a red polo, jeans, and grey baby Toms.  I could not have loved this outfit more as the "preppy" look is my favorite.  I'm seeing lots of polos, plaid shorts, and pastel colors in his future [sorry Daddy]!


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